Friday, November 20, 2009

Hopeless Expectation

So much thing running in my head I don’t where to start though.I don’t like this feeling because its tiring.Im tired.PENAT tahu?I did my utmost to evade this issue but I cant help my self to show how this disappointing I am to be.Perasaan berubah-ubah.Berubah mengikut masa dan keadaan sekeliling.Kadang–kadang at one minute I boleh rasa sayang yang mencurah-curah and the next minute ia boleh jadi benci yang membuak-buak.I have doubt on what I’ve done.Macam,“Eh apa aku buat ni??All of sudden I will feel like I've just make myself look silly and desperate infront of you .Tak cukup memalukan ke tu?

There are some point when I looked back and I regret thing I’ve said.I tak sedar that walau apa pun jadi things will never be the same.Between you and me. Starting from the last nite,im sorry if I’ve make it more complicated.I promised myself not talking to you as it is the best way I could forget you but I guess it doesn’t work well.I sangat lah tak tahu watdehel I buat sekarang but yang pasti ia buat I PENAT.PENAT.PENAT.

PENAT fikir.PENAT sakit hati.PENAT rasa kecewa.PENAT simpan harapan.PENAT mengeluh-ngeluh.PENAT lah ngan semua ni.Im tired of ignoring the fact I was hurt completely.Kalau lah I boleh lupakan je semua ni tapi tak boleh masalah nya.Itu lah masalahnya.I just want to be happy.Happy macam lagu Barney dinosaur purple perut buncit tu.

Kalau you baca ini,i nak you tahu hati i dah kemek macam tin coke yang dah kena pijak banyak-banyak kali tahu?

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